- Customer’s account is in good standing and there have been no violations of entire Terms of Services
- None of the payments have been previously or currently disputed or charged back
- None of the IPs assigned to client’s services are on any Black/Block list
- Monthly data transfer quota has not been exceeded
- The number of services (active or cancelled) under the account is 3 or fewer
- The sum of all payments made towards the account is $60 or less and the total number of payments is 10 or fewer
- The account was created 30 or fewer days ago
- Client had not used the right to Refund under a different account
- 账户没有违反过任何的服务条款;
- 账户之前没有退款过或者争议过;
- 没有 IP 被封;
- 月流量没有超过限制;
- VPS 数量小于等于 3 个;
- 付款总额小于等于 60 美元,且付款总次数小于等于 10 次;
- 账户必须是 30 天或者以内刚注册的;
- 没有在其他的你的账户下使用过退款权利。
- We will provide full refund of all payments made towards the account starting from the moment account was created, with the exception of payments for IP address changes (if any)
- All services under the account will be instantly terminated
- All data, snapshots and backups will be instantly and irreversibly wiped
- 账户注册之后的所有付款都会被退款,除了更换 IP 的费用;
- 账户下所有的服务都会被立即终止;
- 所有的数据、快照、备份都会被立即销毁。
点击申请退款的按钮,如果满足条件,会生成一个工单,然后我们回复工单,只需回复“I agree”,稍待片刻,就会收到退款。
退款一般都是原路返回,支付宝付款的,会退到支付宝,PayPal 付款的当然就会返回到 PayPal。
CN2 特价促销款 10GB
- CPU:1 核
- 内存:512 MB
- 硬盘:10 GB SSD
- 流量:500 GB
- 带宽:1 Gbps
- 机房:KVM 8 个机房
- 迁移:可迁移机房,流量不变
- 价格:29.99 美元/年
CN2 特价促销款 20GB
- CPU:1 核
- 内存:1024 MB
- 硬盘:20 GB SSD
- 流量:1000 GB
- 带宽:1 Gbps
- 机房:KVM 8 个机房
- 迁移:可迁移机房,流量不变
- 价格:29.99 美元/半年,49.99 美元/年
CN2 GIA 特价促销款 20 GB
- CPU:2 核
- 内存:1024 MB
- 硬盘:20 GB SSD
- 流量:1000 GB / 月
- 带宽:1 Gbps
- 机房:CN2 GIA 机房
- 价格:19.99 美元 / 季度,69.99 美元 / 年
CN2 GIA 特价促销款 40 GB
- CPU:3 核
- 内存:2048 MB
- 硬盘:40 GB SSD
- 流量:2000 GB / 月
- 带宽:1 Gbps
- 机房:CN2 GIA 机房
- 价格:39.99 美元/ 季度,139.99 美元/年